photo © Gerhard Kühne

What would you be doing if you hadn't become a musician?

Oh, I thought of many options! As a small child I wanted to be a painter and also a writer, but my parents were not very supportive of those career choices. (My mother happens to be a painter and my father a writer, by the way.) Later, through my school years, I had concrete plans of becoming a pathologist. 


Mercy Seat-Winterreise

Charly Hübner is taking us through despair, guilt, unfulfilled love and death. Music by Franz Schubert & Nick Cave.

June 1 - Dresden

June 16 - Augsburg

June 23 - Hamburg

concerti & capricen

A capricious Corelli? 

Come, join us at this unique party of baroque and more.

Partners in crime: Ilya Gringolts & Riccardo Minasi.

June 12 & 13, Elphi

urban string midsommar

Summer solstice, the shortest night of the year. It is all about lightness and breeze but still with certain depth.

June 21, get in 8 pm

@Hanseatische Materialverwaltung


Yes it is happening!

We love sharing music, connecting and building a community. You too? Then save the date: June 26 at 6:30 pm, QUARTIERKLÄNGE - URKNALL.

Versmannstr.32-38, HH


Silver Bear for STERBEN

The director and writer Matthias Glasner received the Silber Bear for Best Screenplay at the 74th International Berlin Film Festival. Well deserved dear Matthias! Congratulations!


4 Lolas for STERBEN

STERBEN received 4 Lolas at the German Film Awards. Best Feature Film, Best Leading Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Score. Cheers to Matthias, Jan, Ulf, Corinna, Hans-Uwe and Lorenz! 

Time to go to the movies!

Find a movie theater around your location by clicking on the link below. STERBEN soon will be realeased in different European countries, stay tuned, I'll keep you posted! And any feedback is welcome!